Plastic Surgery Origins
Although some trivialize plastic surgery as the gamut of unnecessary procedures that bespeak the narcissism of celebrities and those who aspire to be like them, it is in truth, a highly specialized field of medicine that restores form and function. For the next few posts, we’ll take a look at the history and advancements of plastic surgery.
Derived from the transliterated Greek word “plastikos” meaning “to mold or to form,” the word “plastic” is an adjective that refers to sculpting and shaping rather than to the use of polymers in surgical procedures. Furthermore, while plastic surgery is frequently evident on the faces and bodies of those who grace the red carpet, it is important to realize that not all procedures are cosmetic in purpose. On the contrary, adversity has spurred surgical innovation and resulted in techniques like skin grafting, burn treatment, limb repair/reattachment and craniofacial surgeries that continue to improve the lives of people worldwide.
Here is an infographic of plastic surgery’s origin: